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News Letter

Latest Number


  • Vol.48 APR/2024 (PDF format, 3,978kBytes)
  • Hitachi Fund Support for Research Related to Infectious Diseases

    Second Interim Report Meeting
  • The Kurata Grants

    FY2023 Grant Recipients – Presentation Ceremony and Research Briefing Session
  • The Hitachi Global Foundation Asia Innovation Award

    FY2023 Award Recipients and Research Outlines
  • Hitachi Future Innovator Program

    FY2023 Lecturer Exchange Event and Teacher Meeting

Back Number


  • Vol.47 MAR/2024 (PDF format, 3,628kBytes)
  • Realization of an Inclusive Society

    Launch of "Global Society Review"
  • Hitachi Future Innovator Program

    FY2023 On-site Lessons
  • The Hitachi Global Foundation Asia Innovation Award

    FY2023 Award Recipients
  • The Hitachi Global Foundation Science and Technology Seminars

    "Exploring the Mysteries of Sleep: From Basic Research to Sleep Wellness"


  • Vol.46 NOV/2023 (PDF format, 4,987kBytes)
  • Girls in Science Support Project

    Talk Session and Workshop News
  • The Kurata Grants

    FY2023 (55th) Kurata Grants
  • The Hitachi Global Foundation Asia Innovation Award

    Selection of FY2023 Recipients
  • Hitachi Future Innovator Program

    FY2023 On-site Lessons


  • Vol.45 APR/2023 (PDF format, 7,188kBytes)
  • The Hitachi Global Foundation Asia Innovation Award

    FY2022 Awards Ceremony
  • The Kurata Grants

    FY2022 Presentation Ceremony and Research Briefing Session
  • Hitachi Fund Support for Research Related to Infectious Diseases

    First Interim Report Meeting
  • Hitachi Future Innovator Program

    Four On-site Lessons
  • Realization of an Inclusive Society

    Forum: Developing the “Power to Thrive” for High School Students with Foreign Backgrounds – What support is needed based on the current educational situation
  • Vol.44 FEB/2023 (PDF format, 3,599kBytes)
  • Realization of an Inclusive Society

    Forum: Developing the “Power to Thrive” for High School Students with Foreign Backgrounds – What support is needed based on the current educational situation
  • Hitachi Future Innovator Program

    2nd-4th On-site Lessons
  • The Hitachi Global Foundation Asia Innovation Award

    FY2022 Recipients
  • The Hitachi Global Foundation Science and Technology Seminars

    “Brain Decoding – Decoding Brain Images with AI”
  • Vol.43 NOV/2022 (PDF format, 5,390kBytes)
  • Girls in Science Support Project

    Open Dialogue & Workshop Vol.8
  • The Kurata Grants

    FY2022 (54th) The Kurata Grants
  • The Hitachi Global Foundation Asia Innovation Award

    FY2022 (3rd) The Hitachi Global Foundation Asia Innovation Award
  • Hitachi Future Innovator Program

    On-site Lessons for FY2022


The Hitachi Global Foundation
1-6-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo 100-8220 Japan